
Archive for the ‘Apologetics/The Church’ Category

Our spirit journals ministry has been somewhat out of operation for nearly 18 months now but the time has come to write again. We took these past 18 months off to take inventory of the site and the direction we wanted to take. We feel the Lord has tugged once again at our heartstrings to write again and that we will do! We have a facebook page (link below) we encourage you to visit and become a fan of for our daily devotional. This blog will be taking a look at some of the current end time events that are reshaping the landscape of nations, including America, but especially Israel as the world draws closer to the advent of Antichrist and the Rapture of the Church.

We’re very thankful for those who write us and tell us these journals through the years have encouraged them. To God be the Glory.

http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Spirit-JournalsDove-Light-Ministries/326601249779 – Become a fan!

God bless


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Our heart felt prayers and thoughts go out today to those families who lost loved ones 9-11-2001 on America’s darkest day. We also send our thoughts to the ones who lost sons and daughters in the subsequent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. “WE WILL NEVER FORGET”! On this seventh annivesary it’s appropriate to put down our partianship and realize that seven years ago on that fateful day none of us were Democrats, none of us were Republicans, we were ALL Americans. There were no red states or blue states that day; there were no whites, blacks, Hispanics or Asians – we all were one albeit for a short time.

I’m writing this at 8:34, about 10 minutes prior to when the first plane hit the first tower at the WTC at 8:46. My wife and I had actually sat in Logan Airport on Monday, September 10,2001; I was working in New England at the time selling portraits; she had joined me for a mini-vacation and I was waiting with her till her plane flew out later in the day. We had been on the phone the night before begging the airlines to change her ticket so she could leave a day later but was not allowed to. I see that now as God’s providence and protection on our lives. Had she flown out a day later we would have been affected directly by this terrible tragedy.

The day of 9-11 I was in Manchester, New Hampshire; I had went to a local bookstore about 8 that morning; got back to the hotel room about 8:50 when I noticed a message to call my wife asap. When she came on the phone she was in tears and said calmly, “turn on the TV.” It was then I saw where the first plane had hit; then witnessed in horror as other Americans the second plane hitting at 9:15. We both cried on the phone knowing we were 24 hours removed from the airport where the planes flew out of and how close we had come to being more involved in the affects. It was and will be a day this writer will never forget even if he lives to be 100 years old.

What I am about to say next may sound political, but it is not; it is from the heart of someone who loves this nation and is proud to be an American citizen. The people who attacked America on 9-11-2001 attacked America not because of our ‘foreign’ policy or any other reason than simple religious hatred; hatred for Israel; hatred for Christianity; hatred for democracy; hatred for anyone who did not embrace the jihadism of Islam, the religion that was behind the attitudes that caused the loss of nearly 3,000 on 9-11 and now another 4,000 of our young men and women who were sent into harms way to defend the nation from further terrorism.

When I hear people insinuate America or George Bush orchestrated these events on 9-11 as to perform some kind of sick political stunt it makes my blood run red. That is the highest form of offensive and stupid talk I think one could engage in. When people think such they are as deluded as an individual can be. Enough said on that but let this writer be clear. The morons who think such do not love their country and are not patriots and to be blunt about it don’t deserve the freedoms this nation has provided them to spouse such stupidity. The nations controlled by the same religious framework of those who perpetrated 9-11 would not allow them to speak such; if they did, most of them would have had their heads lopped off. Only in a free society like America can people spouse their opinions freely no matter how far out those opinions are.

Islam hates Israel; because America supports Israel (AND RIGHTLY SO) Islam thus hates America. These acts were not planned overnight; the events of 9-11 were planned years out by all viewpoints and were not done as a response to the election of George W. Bush as some believe. I actually read one article on the Internet a few days ago that insinuated such saying that America’s enemies had reason to attack us when Bush took office because of his policies. Bush had not been in office but nine months when these events took place; Clinton had been in office 8 years and had not responded to the warning shots fired across the bow in 1993 at the first World Trade Center bombings and then the subsequent bombings in 1998 of the U.S. Cole and American Embassy in Kenya. That is not to be taken as this writer is blaming Bill Clinton; he is not. 9-11 was going to take place no matter the external circumstances in our nation’s politics.

It’s 8:46 now as we observe with a local program here in town a moment of silence for the victims.

In looking back it makes us know that for just a short time this nation showed what can be done when it comes together. You cannot negotiate with men like the ones who did these acts of terror. There is evil in the world that goes beyond American foreign policy or who is in the White House.

I plan to write a blog tommorow about the two different viewpoints of the world by both John McCain and Barrack Obama as it pertains to terrorism; today is not the day for that; we’ll get back to politics then.

For today, our hearts go out to the numerous families in this nation who lost loved ones seven years ago on that infamous and dark day that will remain engrained on this writer’s heart till the day he dies. We must never forget what happened; sadly, many have. Others have remembered and instead of humbling themselves and looking at the greater good spiritually for the nation, they have hardened their heart and became more cynical, more biased, more racist, and more jaded than ever before.

We cannot afford as a nation to become such. America the Beautiful is beautiful because of the PEOPLE in this great nation; we’re not perfect; but if we don’t come together as a nation soon then should God forbid another act of terrorism take place as took place on 9-11, we will be destroyed.

May God bless America today and beyond but more importantly, may America bless God in these troubled times.


<a href=”http://mcspoliticalbits.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/towers.jpg”><img src=”http://mcspoliticalbits.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/towers.jpg” alt=”” title=”towers” width=”369″ height=”268″ class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-215″ /></a>

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Our thoughts and prayers go out tonight to the folks in Louisiana, Texas and Mississippi tonight as Gustav moves inland producing flooding, wind damage and death. Some 7 people have died so far as of 10 PM Monday night; that toll may or may not go up depending on search and rescue efforts that are to begin in earnest on Tuesday. Thankfully Gustav lost a bit of punch right before it hit land but with winds of 115 mph as it hit land, Gustav was no Katrina certainly, but he was not a push over either. As we wrote in our previous blog the timing of this storm, as well as two other storms looming in the Atlantic, is just days after our Secretary of State Condi Rice has been in Jerusalem pressuring Israel to divide Jerusalem. Draw what conclusions you will but this same basic thing was going on days prior to Katrina in 2005. It was God’s mercy today to the city of New Orleans once again that caused the storm to jog a bit more west and its winds decrease right before landfall that may have spared the city the fate it suffered in 2005. In addition to Gustav not being as severe a storm as Katrina, the government on all levels, state, federal and local, worked much better together this go around without a doubt. Republican governors Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Haley Barbour of Mississippi, Charlie Crist of Florida, Rick Perry of Texas should all be commended on their mobilization of evacuations in their respective states ahead of the storm that certainly saved lives as well. Gustav will move west tommorow and produce flooding rains in Texas without a doubt but Gustav will be a distant memory in a few days as our attention will turn to Hannah. Hannah, a Category 1 storm in the SE Bahammas tonight is expected to turn NW, strengthen into monster status and become a Hugo-like storm to hit the Carolinas sometime later this week into the early part of the weekend. One forecaster said late tonight forecast models are once again predicting a Category 3 or 4 storm by Wednesday and quoting the forecaster from Accuweather, “Hannah has the potential to be a historically strong storm like we used to see in the 1940s and 1950s.” Another storm IKE, is right behind Hannah churning westward that is likely to hit the U.S. next week as well; Ike’s path is more uncertain but once again predicted to become a major hurricane before it makes landfall next week. Why are we seeing such convulsions in the Earth? New Orleans was spared, thank God, and we can only hope this space of mercy will cause those living in the Big Easy to look upward; what Gustav did not produce, Hannah might in terms of distruction; If America continues to press Israel to divide Jerusalem trust me, the response from heaven will not be one we will want to hear. Gustav was a warning; Hannah may be more. Continue to pray for America, the peace of Jerusalem and the entire Middle East situation in days ahead. More on this as the week plays out.

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Related: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=73705

“That doesn’t mean that everything will be totally smooth,” White House press secretary Dana Perino said. “We’re facing what could be a very strong hurricane, possibly one of the largest and strongest to hit America since records began.”—Dana Perino – White House Spokesperson With Bush

From World Net Daily on August 30, 2008 – Headline: Palestinian Media: Rice Urging Division of Jerusalem; “Secret Negotians” Underway For Peace Deal of September.

JERUSALEM – In her visit here earlier this week, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice pressed Israel to sign a document by the end of the year that would divide Jerusalem by offering the Palestinians a state in Israel’s capital city as well as in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, according to multiple reports yesterday in major official Palestinian Authority media outlets. The information, verified by top diplomatic sources, first was reported Tuesday by WND. Al Ayam, an official PA newspaper, quoted top Palestinian sources stating Rice asked the Israeli and Palestinian negotiating teams to meet at the highest levels on a daily basis and to keep the meetings private. The newspaper claimed Rice spoke to PA officials about eastern Jerusalem becoming part of a Palestinian state as well as sections of the Jordan Valley. Al Ayam’s editor-in-chief, Akram Heniyeh, is one of PA President Mahmoud Abbas’ closest advisers. Official PA television yesterday quoted sources close to Abbas stating Rice’s short-term goal is to produce an interim Israeli-Palestinian paper before a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly next month. WND reported exclusively Aug. 1 that Olmert told the PA he intends to accelerate negotiations to reach some understanding on paper as soon as September. Also in the official Palestinian media yesterday, a high-level Palestinian source told the Al Quds daily that Rice for the first time discussed with Abbas the need to create a Palestinian state alongside the 1967 borders, meaning an Israeli evacuation of the Gaza Strip, West Bank and eastern Jerusalem. Israel recaptured eastern Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount – Judaism’s holiest site – during the 1967 Six Day War. The Palestinians have claimed eastern Jerusalem as a future capital. About 244,000 Arabs live in Jerusalem, mostly in eastern neighborhoods. Jerusalem has an estimated total population of 724,000, the majority Jewish. Top diplomatic sources involved in the Israeli-Palestinian talks confirmed to WND the goal is to create a Palestinian state on paper by January. The Israeli team, led by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, has been negotiating the division of Jerusalem – despite claims to the contrary – but would rather conclude an agreement on paper by the end of the year that would give the Palestinians a state in the West Bank, Gaza and some Israeli territory, leaving conclusions on Jerusalem for a later date, the informed diplomatic sources told WND. The sources said the Palestinian team has been pushing to conclude a deal by January on all core issues, including Jerusalem, and has been petitioning the U.S. to pressure Israel into signing an agreement on paper that offers the Palestinians eastern Jerusalem

Blog: I sit numb late Saturday night looking at the models from the National Hurricane Center in Miami concerning a monster storm that has been forecast to slam into the U.S. Gulf Coast sometime early this coming week; Gustav is that storm. With winds already packing a 150 MPH punch, the dangerous Category 4 storm is headed on a scary and prophetic path that Hurricane Katrina took almost 3 years to the day in 2005. New Oreleans has not been the same since Katrina hit 8/29/2005 and not only caused billions of dollars in property damage in Lousiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Texas, but killed thousands of lives and basically ended George Bush’s political career as the result of the perceived terrible response to the storm by the Federal Government and the White House. This blog does not want to revisit those issues from 2005 because in reality when something as big as Katrina was happens to a nation, blame is the only thing that is certain to follow in hurting hearts looking for answers. In that regards, one entity of government cannot be singled out as to failing to respond. The entire system of government failed our nation in 2005 from the federal level all the way to the local level with the ineptness of New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin and then Louisana Governor Kathleen Blanco; America was overwhelmed by the magnitude of Katrina and three years later we’re facing the mother of all storms named Gustav. An interesting prophetic footnote to 2005 is that just three days prior to Hurricane Katrina, Israel was strong armed into giving up the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians; a historic act of appeasement and continued carving up of Israel’s land in hopes for peace that sent prophetic shockwaves through the Spirit realm and in this writer’s opinion set the stage for what happened 36 hours later in America. Ariel Sharon, Israel’s PM at the time, would suffer a stroke 5 months later in January 2006, a stroke from which he has not recovered and returned and hangs on for dear life at this very moment. Let’s run the clock ahead 3 years to 2008. Just last week Condi Rice was in Jerusalem telling Israel that it had to divide Jerusalem with the Palestinians if any reasonable peace deal would be struck this September before President Bush left office. The idea of Bush sealing a deal before he left office in 2009 seemed to be Rice’s bigger concern than Israel’s security or the importance of Jerusalem in the plans of God . Rice was not alone in her efforts as now Israeli PM Ehud Olhmert, whose Kadima Party has done nothing but concede land deal after land deal to the Palestinians in hopes of Israeli security, agreed to Rice’s sentiments without desent and thus in this writer’s opinion has set the stage it seems for another terrible tragedy. Dana Perino, White House Spokesperson, said 24 hours ago that the White House has been informed that this storm may become potentially one of the strongest and worst to ever hit the US Mainland since weather records have begun to be kept. Folks, those records begun to be kept in the late  1800s which would mean close to 200 years. (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,413906,00.html, see comment about 5 paragraphs down) How can we not expect anything less than this when we tinker with a city whose foundations scream that it belongs to the Creator Himself? The Psalmist wrote that God has chosen to “put His name” upon Jerusalem and further more prayed that if he forgot Jerusalem that his right hand cease to work. That is how important Jerusalem is to the Jewish people, the nation of Israel, the world and to the plans of God for Planet Earth. Can we intelligently see what is going on and not believe there is anything but conincidence to this? I remember reading one so-called “prophetic” writer a few years back declaring that there was absolutely no connection to America’s pressure on Jerusalem and Israel to give up land for peace and the warning judgements God has brought on America. In John McTernan’s tremendous book “Israel, the Blessing and the Curse,” as well as Bill Koenig’s book “Eye to Eye,” where both writers outline events since 1991 that occured within 36-48 hours each time when American pushed Israel into dividing Jerusalem or carving up land for peace that bascially were either natural disasters or financial breakdowns in our economy. In 2004 and 2005 we had a record setting year for hurricanes before having a record setting silence and absence of these same storms in 2006 and 2007. The difference? In 2004 and 2005 America was actively involved in seeking to carve out and settle the “ROAP MAP” on Israel; in 2006 and 2007 little effort was done, at least publically, to force Israel to give up her land for a false peace treaty with the Palestinians. Now in 2008, the hurricanes are back as well as an already record setting year for both tornadoes and tornado deaths here in America. Folks, something is going on in the heavenlies whether we want to recognize it or not; the earth is convulsing like never before certainly (Romans 8) but it seems to be convulsing more during these seasons where America interacts to force Israel into doing such things as it is doing at the present time. These disasters and economic meltdowns were termed “warning” judgements by McTernan, who correctly said, that the term “warning” is appropriate because if God actually judged America, America would not exist. These warning echos are part of an overall bigger warning to America to cease from her insanity in pushing Israel to this end. Dividing Jerusalem will NOT bring Middle East peace; Dividing Jerusalem WILL put America on a collision course with Jerusalem’s founder and archetict – the God of heaven, the Almighty Jehovah. Gustav is not the only concern for our nation weather wise. Hurricane Hannah waits right behind Gustav and two other systems are almost in a perpendicular line waiting to form that may affect the U.S. Coastline in the coming days and week ahead.  Hannah seems to have her sights on Florida at some point after Gustav hits late Monday into Tuesday. Draw your own conclusions; this is America and we live in a free society to express our opinion; this is mine; you’re entitled to yours. I’m not writing these words with glee, but with tears and a solemn understanding and realization that we’re seeing 2005 played out again and with the very same fundamental issue at the root of yet another “warning” judgement from heaven – ISRAEL and JERUSALEM. Gustav, is a Russian name, and means “a royal staff of the Gods” which signals even more to this writer that the prophetic nature of this storm cannot be understated. Russia itself threatened the US on Friday saying military options were on the table if the U.S. deployed a missile shield into Poland as expected. That is another blog for another time; Back to Gustav and Katrina. Did we not learn our lessons from Katrina? It seems that while on a natural level, both state, federal and local authorities are better prepared this go around, spritiually speaking, we are just as dense. We need to pray for President Bush, the Governor of Louisaina Bobby Jindall, the cities of New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Alexandria and Lafayette, which are all in the storm’s path, New Orelans Ray Nagin and the entire citizenry along our beautiful Gulf Coast. I say it again; I sit numb tonight watching this storm grow and tracking the path it’s scheduled to take. This is serious business and in merit of our prayers and deep intercession for our nation and the lives of our fellow citizens in Lousiana; the reality is that should this storm hit in its predicted strength and power on Monday night that lives are going to be lost in this storm; as a result, scores will go into eternity before it’s all over sometime late Tuesday; that’s how serious this is; that’s why I weep for New Orleans; that’s why I weep for America; that’s why I weep for Jerusalem; that’s why I weep and pray for mercy during a time it seems God is speaking once again to our nation.  Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Pray for America.

Related Links: http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2008/08/108910.htm


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As we blog this week the national news media continues to be a “buzz” about the Democratic National Convention and the expected speech of Barrack Obama tonight (Thursday, August 28, 2008) Obama’s speech comes 40 years now since the poowerful “I Have A Dream” speech by the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and will certainly be a speech that will be full of promises to “change” the nation if he is elected. At the same time the nation’s attention, especially those in New Orleans, is looking south into the tropics for two  storms named Gustav and Hannah that are posed to both strike the U.S. Mainland sometime early next week if the path continues as predicted. It has become very evident to this writer that both stories will have eternal consequences for a good number of people in the coming days and months. We are coming up on the three year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina which literally shreaded New Oreleans and the LA Gulf Coast in 2005 and will go down as America’s costliest disaster. Some forecasters are warning that Gustav will have plenty of time to become just as strong as Katrina did but models suggest it may remain a Category 3 storm or less. The bottom line is simple though, no matter the Category level of the storm, somewhere soon there is going to another season of damage, death and destruction headed to America. During 2005, Katrina hit New Oreleans days after the city exhibitied one of the most decadent celebrations in recent memory, then had its leaders brag about how unashamed they were over the homosexual event. Katrina also hit days after America had pressured Israel to give up the Gaza Strip; Ariel Sharon, Israel’s leader at the time, would suffer a stroke 4 months later in January 2006 prompting some to believe these events were somehow tied together. That viewpoint is shared by this writer but more on that at a later time. The interesting footnote to these storms coming to the U.S. next week are coming at a time of an eerie parallel of events that were taking place in 2005. Just a few days ago Condi Rice told Israel that Jerusalem must be divided up while at the same time Michelle Obama said the following while giving a speech to the gay, lesbian and transgender delegates at the Democratic National Convention where she promised thaher Barack would give full support to the homosexual agenda if elected President; the luncheon was hosted by homosexual legislator Barney Frank. During her remarks, which were interupted by thunderous applause, Obama said that when her husband became a member of the U.S. Senate, “he voted to protect our Constitution from the stain of discrimination by voting against the federal marriage amendment.” Those comments reflect thus an opinion by her and Barrack, her husband that defining marriage as a union of one man and one woman somehow “stains’ the Constitution. Obama says he will work to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act, which protects states from having to recognize homosexual marriages, but also says he thinks marriage is a union of one man and one woman. Really? Well Mr. Obama you cannot have it both ways. You either believe that and will fight to protect that union or you won’t. During his speech to his “fans” in Denver Thursday night Obama promised to find “common ground,” as he put it on abortion, gay rights, gun control, and other hot button issues. Friend, don’t be fooled or swayed by such empty rheteroic; if the man’s wife was speaking earlier in the day saying normal marriage is a “stain” on the Constitution, then there will be NEVER be any common ground on these issues; the only common ground is the agreement among most that Obama’s slick jive talking nature will say anything now to get elected in November. He cannot be believed nor trusted to find “common ground.” Neighbor, I’m not looking for “common ground,” I’m LOOKING FOR HIGHER GROUND! HOLY GHOST GROUND! THE GROUND OF TRUTH as found in the Word of God and that ALONE!! It is interesting to note that Michelle Obama’s remarks are posted on a lesbian web site called Pam’s House Blend, a website run by Pam Spaulding, who not only took the videos, but is a rabidly anti-Christian writer who regularly trashes the work of conservative groups who, while not being perfect nor able to sit in the role as judge of any other, at least recognize the perversion and sick view that marriages between two men or two women are ok and normal in the sight of God and thus should be in the sight of men. This blog is not a diatribe against homosexuals; it is a warning yet again to a nation that is adrift without God that is about to choose its new leader in November. Signs continue to point to a nation so caught up with a “man” its already seared conscience over issues such as aborition and homosexual marriage has just become more callous and without feeling. When Christian believers vote for a candidate because of his race instead of really looking into the stains of his soul then we are truly a nation adrift without God. Before you write your snotty emails let me assure the reader that this writer has no stones he is throwing at Barrack or Michelle Obama; this writer is certainly not without sin neither is anyone reading this blog; HOWEVER, this issue is not about judging those who are homosexual; I can love the individual and pray for them without embracing their lifestyle and lying to them about its validity. The Word of God is our compass and direction and if a candidate thinks marriage between a man and a woman is a “stain” on our Constitution, I’d say without fear or contradiction that same candidate has a “stain” on their hearts that needs to be removed. WAKE UP CHILD OF GOD and LISTEN to what these candidates are saying. Stop voting based upon the right back side of your britches where your wallet sits and VOTE according to your heart, conscience and LOVE for the Lord Jesus Christ. Keep your eyes on Gustav and Hannah; but more importantly keep your eyes on Jesus; Judgement is coming; ALL will be there; those who’ve rejected; those who’ve refused; oh, sinner, haste to His call; then He will pass, will pass over you! His blood can wash away every STAIN on the human soul today and He still sets the captive free! Pray for America that we come to our senses before it’s eternally too late!

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I have been gone a good bit this summer and just now getting my feet back underneath me to write again in earnest this fall as we grow closer to one of the most important elections in this nation’s history coming in November. I am by nature an avid reader of news and keep up with local headlines on a daily basis as well as read the latest political news. I don’t think in recent memory where an election has not had a clear choice for believers as this one coming in a few months. I can assure the reader that NEITHER candidate holds the answer to America’s problems simply because the problems destroying this nation are SPIRITUAL in nature, not political. There is a growing sense that Barrack Obama is probably going to be the eventual winner based a great deal on just the cycles of politics. The Republicans have had Congress for 12 years up to 2006 and the White House since 2000. It’s almost a given that a change in the White House is coming. The problem I have with such thinking is that when a nation rejects God in their thinking and society then the very choices a nation makes becomes judgement to that nation. Israel rejected the leadership of God during the reign of Samuel the prophet and clamoring after Saul, God gave them the desires of their heart – a demented king who wound up consulting with witches and drawing Israel into a terrible season of bloodshed, war and death. There is always a Saul for a nation sunk in delusion; Obama is going to be America’s Saul. I don’t have anything personal against Mr. Obama nor are my comments based upon the color of his skin. My comments are based upon the color of his soul. If you cannot answer a simple question as to when life begins and you approve the practice of an abortion technique where a live fetus is taken from the womb of a woman and killed, neighbor your heart is full of darkness and NOTHING you can say or do will change that. America’s news media has branded Obama almost a Messiah to the nation and we’re about to find out just how dark this new anointed Messiah is going to be. Because America has rejected the truth of the gospel, God has begun to send us a strong delusion that we will believe a lie, and as the Scripture says “believe a lie and be damned.” The only cure for this delusion is deep rooted repentance and for us all to cry out to God to remove the delusion from our hearts and minds and cry out again for HIS TRUTH. The TRUTH will set you free neighbor that truth is found only one place- at the foot of the Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s not found at the foot of Ophrah’s Jesus nor is it found at the foot of Jeremiah Wright’s Jesus. The SON OF GOD is neither a Republican nor a Democrat; HE IS THE CREATOR of ALL MEN and as such demands that MEN REPENT of their sins and come to Him in FAITH to be born again. America’s problems will not go away with the election of either McCain or Obama in November. We are living in troubled times and in times as such we need the influence of God more than ever. The delusion has set in and the darkness has descended. When nationally-known televangelists say they get “goose bumps” when Obama speaks, neighbor, the darkness has descended! Those “goose bumps” are not from the Holy Spirit but from another spirit that is blinding the hearts of the church similar to what happened in Germany in the 1930s prior to the nation electing a madman who plunged the entire world into unspeakable evil upon his election. It was the CHURCH who refused to see the truth and speak it and in this case today it will come down once again to the CHURCH to either speak truth or get goose bumps and let the lies spread like poison. You shall know the TRUTH and the TRUTH will set you free. THE TRUTH IS JESUS CHRIST and neighbor I pray you know Him today. It’s getting late and it’s harvest time. We need to pray for America.

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